• Substituting density functional theory in reaction barrier calculations for hydrogen atom transfer in proteins
    • Riedmiller, K.; Reiser, P.; Bobkova, E.; Maltsev, K.; Gryn’ova, G.; Friederich, P.; Gräter, F. Chem. Sci. 2024.
    • Chemical Science
  • Scalable stellar evolution forecasting
    • Maltsev, K.; Schneider, F. R. N.; Röpke, F. K.; Jordan, A. I.; Qadir, G. A.; Kerzendorf, W. E.; Riedmiller, K.; Smagt, P. van der. A&A 2024, 681, A86.
    • Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Collagen breaks at weak sacrificial bonds taming its mechanoradicals
    • Rennekamp, B.; Karfusehr, C.; Kurth, M.; Ăśnal, A.; Monego, D.; Riedmiller, K.; Gryn’ova, G.; Hudson, D. M.; Gräter, F. Nat Commun 2023, 14 (1), 2075.
    • Nature Communications
  • DOPA Residues Endow Collagen with Radical Scavenging Capacity
    • Kurth, M.; Barayeu, U.; Gharibi, H.; Kuzhelev, A.; Riedmiller, K.; Zilke, J.; Noack, K.; Denysenkov, V.; Kappl, R.; Prisner, T. F.; Zubarev, R. A.; Dick, T. P.; Gräter, F. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62 (24), e202216610.
    • Angewandte Chemie International Edition
  • Bond dissociation energies of X–H bonds in proteins
    • Treyde, W.; Riedmiller, K.; Gräter, F. RSC Advances 2022, 12 (53), 34557–34564.
    • RSC Advances
  • Guanidine-II aptamer conformations and ligand binding modes through the lens of molecular simulation
    • Steuer, J.; Kukharenko, O.; Riedmiller, K.; Hartig, J. S.; Peter, C. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 49 (14), 7954–7965.
    • Nucleic Acids Research
  • Remote Perfluoroalkyl Substituents are Key to Living Aqueous Ethylene Polymerization